Honai Beez Apiary sustainably harvest nectar resources from Jamaica’s forests and botanical spaces in the form of healthy, sweet and rich flavored multi-floral honey. We are powering environmental and social change using the environment by planting indigenous and fruit trees and allowing people in low-income communities to generate value by taping into our sustainable tropical beekeeping training and bamboo hives created by CNC-Router whilst monitor and maintaining ecosystem health of the forest and botanical spaces with the aid of drone technologies.
1. Type of collaboration: Both technical and financial
2. Project title: Building a SuStAinABlE BEEkEEping (BASE ) community project
3. Location: Kingston, St. Ann, Jamaica
4. Short description: Building a sustainable beekeeping community within local rural and urban communities within Jamaica addresses challenges that occur within three areas. These are Social, Economic and Environment. Honai Beez Apiary is promoting and advancing sustainable beekeeping as an industry. This means that Honai Beez Apiary must look at an implementation strategy that approaches all three areas of sustainable development. These approaches Honai Beez Apiary is taking include:
1. Setting up Apiaries, 2. Creating a honey and bee products processing space, 3. Creating a Bamboo Beehive workshop equipped with a CNC-Router, 4. Reforesting forest and foraging space. 5. Setting up a drone-aided environmental monitoring protocol to measure the impact on the forest.
You can make an assist in one or more of the areas below:
a. Increase the size of the apiary (Hives, colonies, etc.)
b. Creating bee product processing space
c. Bamboo Hive makerspace and logistics hub (CNC-Router, CAD software, drones, etc.)
d. Investing in additional training (Bee wax candle, honey-infused soaps, Mead production, Queen rearing, ISO Training, etc.) for our small team.
e. Solar system and back-up including a portable solar power generator
f. Ecosystem health assessment tools (RTK capable drone, NTRIP-base station, weather station etc.)
5. Pitch and Video of Beekeeping Training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUHuGYgBo0U
6. Additional project link (including project landing page or fundraising link):
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HonaiBeez/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honaibeez/
Website Gallery: https://honaibeezapiary.wixsite.com/hbapiary/gallery
Bamboo Hive Prototype: https://youtu.be/z6iFGebeKxU
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